EPG Automation: Make Your TV Guide Updates Effortless

 What is The EPG?

Electronic Program Guide (EPG) data provides information about upcoming TV programs and schedules on various channels. This data allows DVRs, media center software, and streaming devices to display program information and schedules. 

However, EPG data needs to be periodically updated as networks frequently make changes to their program schedules. Manually updating EPG data can be tedious and time-consuming. This is where automated EPG updating tools and services come in handy.

Automated EPG updating involves using software tools to regularly scrape EPG data from various online sources and import it into your media center application. This saves you the hassle of having to manually fetch and update program guide data. The automated updates ensure you always have the most accurate and up-to-date TV listings and metadata.

There are several popular open source tools and web services that can automatically scrape and download program guide information from various sources on the internet. We'll be exploring some of the best automated EPG updating solutions available today.


Webgrab+ is an open source program used to download TV listings and program guide data from various websites. It supports numerous TV channels and electronic program guide sources around the globe.

Overview and Features

Webgrab+ is a command line program that runs on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. It allows you to download TV listings in XMLTV format, which can then be imported into media center software like Kodi and Plex. 

Key features include:

  • Supports hundreds of TV channels and EPG sources
  • Customizable channel and program listings
  • Configurable through .ini files
  • Automatically updates listings on a schedule
  • Downloads images and metadata 

Setup and Configuration 

Setting up Webgrab+ involves:

  1. Downloading and installing the software for your operating system.
  2. Configuring a .ini file with your desired channels, TV guide sources, output format, and other settings. Examples and templates are included.
  3. Optionally scheduling the grabber to run automatically on a regular basis using cron jobs or task scheduler.
  4. Running Webgrab+ from the command line to download listings.

The .ini files allow extensive customization of channels, layouts, images, and more. Command line parameters can further control Webgrab+'s functionality.

Pros and Cons

Some benefits of using Webgrab+ include:

- Free and open source

- Very customizable

- Support for many global TV sources  

- Integrates well with media center software

Drawbacks include:

- Command line only interface requires technical skills

- Initial configuration can be complex

- Dependence on 3rd party sites that could change or go down

Overall, Webgrab+ is a versatile EPG grabber option with powerful features for technically inclined users. It may require more effort to set up compared to some alternatives.


XMLTV is a popular open-source program for downloading TV listings and EPG data from various online sources. It has been around for over 20 years and is supported on Linux, Windows, and Mac operating systems. 

To install XMLTV, you typically download the files from the [xmltv.org](http://xmltv.org/) website and compile from source code. Detailed installation instructions are provided for each operating system. Once installed, XMLTV is configured via a text-based configuration file where you specify the data sources, output format, and other settings.

Some of the main features of XMLTV include:

  • Support for grabbing EPG data from various online TV guides and websites. Common data sources include Zap2It, TVGuide, TitanTV, Radio Times, Epgs.de and more.

  • Flexible output formats, with the most popular being XMLTV format, which is supported by MythTV, Kodi, Plex and many other media center softwares.

  • Modular architecture that allows adding new grabbers and output formats via plugins.

  • Robust channel matching system for finding channel lineups.

  • Distributed through most Linux package managers for easy installation.

For usage, XMLTV is run via the command line interface. You execute the `xmltv` command with options to specify your configuration file, output filename, and any other parameters. The program fetches the listings data in the background and outputs it to the defined file.

Some of the advantages of using XMLTV include:

  • Free and open source software.

  • Wide device and software support.

  • Complete control over EPG data sources.

  • Advanced filtering and transformation of listings data.

  • Integrates seamlessly into media center workflows.

Potential downsides are:

  • Command line interface requires some technical skill.

  • Configuration can be complex compared to a GUI app.

  • Need to troubleshoot issues like channe matching or data source changes yourself.

  • Requires occasional maintenance as sources change.

Overall, XMLTV remains one of the most versatile and powerful options for automated EPG maintenance. It works great as a standalone tool or integrated into various home media center pipelines. For those who don't mind getting hands-on with configuration files, it provides unparalleled control over your guide data.

EPG Collector

EPG Collector is a popular open-source tool for grabbing TV guide data and automating EPV updates. 

Overview and Features

  • Supported platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS, Docker
  • Imports epg data from various sources including XMLTV, tv_grab_file, tv_grab_na_dd, tv_grab_eu_sky
  • Can be configured to automatically update EPG data on a schedule 
  • Saves EPG data to xmltv format, which can then be imported into Plex, Emby, Jellyfin and other media center software
  • Open source and community maintained

How to Install and Configure EPG 

Installing EPG Collector is straightforward. Download and run the installer on Windows or MacOS. For Linux, download the binary.

Once installed, the main configuration is in the config.ini file. Here you can specify:

- Data sources to import from 

- Output directory to save the combined XMLTV file 

- Cron schedule for auto updates

Advanced users can configure additional settings like post processing scripts.

After configuring EPG Collector, run it manually first to confirm it is grabbing data properly. Then set it up as a cron job or scheduled task to run automatically on whatever interval you choose.

Pros and Cons


- Active development and community support

- Supports multiple data sources 

- Easy to configure automated updates

- Open source and free


- Less flexibility compared to scripts using XMLTV and TVGrab directly

- Limited to xmltv output format

- No web interface for configuration

Overall, EPG Collector provides an easy way to aggregate program guide data and automate updates. For advanced users wanting more customization, XMLTV and TVGrab may be preferable. But for most users, EPG Collector is a solid choice for automated EPG maintenance.

TV Guide Scraper

TV Guide Scraper is an open source program that scrapes TV guide data from various online sources and outputs it as XMLTV files. Some key features include:

- Scrapes free TV listings from various websites like TV Guide, TitanTV, TVmaze etc. Supports listings for multiple countries.

- Downloads cover art, episode descriptions and other enhanced metadata along with program listings.

- Flexible configuration via GUI or config file. Can customize what data to scrape and from which sources.

- Outputs channel and program data in standard XMLTV format which can be imported into Plex, Emby, Kodi etc.

- Cross platform support - runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. Backed by NodeJS/Electron.

To use TV Guide Scraper, first download and install it on your system. The setup is wizard-driven and asks you to select your country, channels, sources etc. Once configured, it can run periodically as a background task to download updated listings. The XMLTV output can be saved to a location your media center software can import from.

Some benefits of using TV Guide Scraper:

- Provides enhanced metadata like descriptions and images absent in plain EPG data.

- Scrapes multiple sources so chances of getting more complete listings.

- Easy to set up with GUI configuration wizard.

- Active development and user community support.

Potential downsides:

- Limited to sources it can scrape, some niche channels may not be available.

- Metadata quality depends on sources, sometimes inaccurate or incomplete.

- Requires some technical ability to configure and set up properly.

Overall, TV Guide Scraper is a robust open source option for automated EPG maintenance, especially if you want additional metadata alongside program listings. With some configuration, it can provide better EPG data than what comes by default with your tuner or provider.

EPG Importer 

EPG Importer is a tool that allows you to import TV guide data into Plex from various sources. It is designed to work on Linux systems like Raspberry Pi.

Overview and Features

- Downloads EPG data from various sources including WebGrab+ and exports it to XMLTV format

- Supports major DVB-T providers in various countries  

- Allows flexible configuration of EPG sources and mappings to channels

- Automatically updates the EPG data on a regular schedule

- Open source Python application with ongoing development

How to Install and Configure

Installing EPG Importer is straightforward on Linux:

1. Install required dependencies like Python and Git

2. Clone the EPG Importer GitHub repository

3. Edit the config file to specify your EPG sources, frequency of updates, and channel mappings

4. Run the import script to perform initial EPG data import

5. Set up a cron job or systemd timer to run updates automatically  

The configuration allows choosing your EPG source, frequency of updates, and mapping channels in your Plex lineup to EPG data channels. This provides flexibility to match various lineups and data sources.

Pros and Cons


- Active development and community support

- Handles all EPG data import automatically

- Flexible configuration for different lineups and sources  

- Linux-based so works well for Raspberry Pi


- Initial setup can be complex for beginners

- Limited to Linux systems

- Lacks a GUI for configuration

Overall, EPG Importer is a powerful option for automating Plex EPG updates on Linux devices like Raspberry Pi. With some initial configuration, it can provide reliable and customizable EPG data.

Schedules Direct  

Schedules Direct is a service that provides up-to-date TV listings and metadata for North America and parts of Europe. With Schedules Direct, you can get TV guide data for your PVR software and apps.

To use Schedules Direct, you first need to sign up for an account on their website. Pricing starts at $25 per year for access to U.S. and Canadian TV listings. Once signed up, you can configure your PVR software to download listings directly from Schedules Direct servers. Most popular PVR backends like MythTV, Emby and Plex integrate with Schedules Direct.

Some of the pros of using Schedules Direct include:

- Provides frequently updated and accurate TV schedule data

- Wide coverage of broadcast channels, cable networks and streaming channels  

- Integrates seamlessly with many PVR softwares

- Offers access via API for developers

- Reasonably priced compared to other EPG services

Some downsides to consider:

- Limited to U.S., Canada and parts of Europe. Not worldwide.

- Requires annual subscription fee

- Mostly targeted at hobbiests, cord cutters and developers. Lacks user-friendly setup.

- Data accuracy can vary depending on region and channel  

Overall, Schedules Direct is a great option for developers, hobbyists and cord-cutters looking for an affordable and regularly updated TV listing source for the U.S. and Canada. Integrations with MythTV, Emby, Plex and other PVR backends make it easy to automate EPG updates. Just be prepared for a manual setup process compared to consumer TV guides.


When choosing an EPG updater, it's helpful to compare the top options head-to-head. Here's an overview of how some of the top tools stack up:


- Webgrab+ is highly customizable and supports many countries/regions. It requires more technical know-how but is very versatile.

- XMLTV has a simple interface and setup. It's easy to use but less flexible than Webgrab+. 

- EPG Collector downloads guides directly from TV networks. It has limited channel support but gets very accurate listings.

- Schedules Direct requires a paid subscription but provides listings for many countries. It has reliable data but ongoing costs.


- EPG Collector fetches data directly from broadcasters so it is extremely accurate. 

- Schedules Direct also sources direct from TV networks and gets timely updates.

- Webgrab+ and XMLTV accuracy depends on the configurations but can be very precise with the right setup.


- Webgrab+, XMLTV, and EPG Collector can fully automate downloads on a schedule. 

- Schedules Direct requires periodic logins to renew the subscription authorization.

- TV Guide Scraper and EPG Importer have less automation features built-in.

Use Cases

- For total automation with high accuracy, EPG Collector is a top choice if your channels are supported.

- For wide device support and customization, Webgrab+ is ideal for advanced users.

- For an easy setup process and intuitive interface, XMLTV is a great option.

- For international channels and reliable listings, a Schedules Direct subscription excels.

Tips and Best Practices

Keeping your EPG data up-to-date is crucial for an enjoyable TV viewing experience. Here are some tips and best practices for automating and optimizing EPG updates:

  •  Set up a cron job or scheduled task to run your EPG grabber/importer on a regular basis. Most software allows you to specify an interval such as daily or weekly updates. Automating the process ensures you don't have to manually trigger updates.

  •  Schedule updates during off-peak hours when system resources are free. Running EPG imports during prime viewing hours can slow down your system. 

  •  Stagger update times if updating multiple backends/clients. Multiple simultaneous EPG imports can overload your system.

  •  Always grab the full EPG data, not just the updates. This minimizes gaps or missing program data in case of any errors.

  •  Enable logging and monitor the logs to check for errors or failed updates. Debug any issues with the EPG source, software settings, or network connectivity.

  •  Cross-check program listings, especially for newly added or changed channels. Inaccuracies in EPG data can cause recordings to fail.

  •  Verify that program details like titles, descriptions, genres are populated after an update. Missing or incorrect metadata affects the viewing experience.

  •  If available, use an EPG source that provides complete schedules for all your channels. Partial or limited listings data will have gaps.

  •  For best results, use the EPG source officially designated for your region. Listings are tailored for specific lineups and channels.

  •  Update channel/bouquet lineup in PVR backend if channels are added/removed. Otherwise EPG data won't match channels.

  •  Check forum threads related to your EPG grabber for potential bugs, fixes or advice from other users.

Automating EPG updates and monitoring the quality of listings data ensures your PVR/media center has accurate information for reliable scheduled recordings and an optimal program guide.


Keeping your EPG guide updated with the latest programming information is essential for an enjoyable IPTV viewing experience. After reviewing some of the top tools and methods for automated EPG updates, here are some key takeaways:

  • Webgrab+ is a flexible open-source tool that can scrape many TV guide sources. It requires some command line skills but offers advanced customization.
  • XMLTV is a standard format supported by many PC and Kodi EPG scrapers. It works well for integrating data from various sources.
  • EPG Collector provides an easy to use graphical interface for managing EPG data from multiple sources. It simplifies the process for beginners.
  • Schedules Direct offers a paid subscription service for regular high-quality EPG data right from the source. It's reliable and accurate but not free.

Overall, for the best balance of usability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, I recommend EPG Collector as the top tool for most IPTV setups. It handles combining multiple data sources, has robust filtering options, and helps automate routine EPG updates with schedule-based grabbing. With an intuitive graphical interface, EPG Collector makes maintaining an up-to-date channel guide straightforward for novice and experienced users alike.

Regular automated EPG updates are worth the effort. With the right tools, keeping your guide information current is easy. EPG Collector simplifies the process while still offering advanced configuration options to power users. For most IPTV providers and enthusiasts, it's the ideal solution for maintaining the best EPG data.

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